Self-care may sound like a luxury but it’s actually essential for a balanced and healthy life. Rather than thinking of self-care as ‘doing,’ view it as a shift in mindset—and putting pressure on yourself to do something is the opposite of self-care. Self-care is about shifting the focus from what others want from you and instead taking some time to focus completely on what you need in the moment.

Self-care helps us be kinder to ourselves and fosters self compassion and love.

Self-care enables us to respond better to stress and life’s difficulties.

Self-care recharges us, restores our energy and boosts our immunity.

Self-care increases our patience and efficiency.

Self-care improves our health by elevating our mood, increasing our immune response, decreasing sugar cravings, improving sleep, lowering blood pressure improving heart health.

Here’s a list of suggestions to inspire you to take care and love yourself:

Buy yourself fresh flowers.

Create healthy rituals.

Take time for rest and relaxation.

Make a list of things that bring you joy and post it up as a reminder to create space for joy.

Say to yourself “I love and accept myself” and feel your body and being relax.

Make a list of all the things you like about yourself.

Each night before you sleep think of what you’re grateful the day brought you.

Start the day with two minutes of meditation.

Start your day feeling grateful for what you have.

Create rituals that bring you joy.

Treat yourself.

Get an Acufacial.

Put your fork down between bites to help you slow down and savour your meal.

Cut down on consuming things that make you feel like crap.

Create rituals for relaxation.

Get Acupuncture.

Take a bath.

Make it a priority to get eight hours of sleep.

Read a good book.

Do something for yourself without guilt.

Make a list of what relaxes and recharges you and do those things.

Do Yoga.

Practice the art of saying “no.”

Be of service.

Freely give compliments and appreciation.


Love your body.

Use essential oils.



Get a massage.

Go for a hike or long walk.

Spend time in nature.

Seek out beauty.

Try something new.

Plan an adventure.

Go to an Acuyogassage workshop.

Tell your loved ones you love them.

Let go of things and people that drain you.

Take in compliments and appreciation.

Open to love.

Practice loving kindness.

Shut off your email and cellphone for an hour.

Give yourself a day off from doing.

Tell yourself “I am enough. I have enough. I do enough.”

Let A Balanced Body support you in your self care practices.