In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Spring is represented by the Liver or in terms of the 5 elements, Wood.  While Winter was a time to rest and conserve our energy. Spring is a time of growth, movement, fresh starts, and a renewal of energy. It is a time to realize our dreams and expand! It is this dynamic Yang energy that helps bring us out of the stillness of Yin. The Liver is responsible for the smooth flow of Qi (energy) in our body. The Liver perform more than 500 functions in the human body. We want our Livers to be healthy and able to cleanse and regulate our body with ease.

Spring is also a time to focus on releasing emotions that no longer serve us—specifically those rooted in anger, resentment, frustration, and lethargy. After the periods of stillness that may have accumulated in our body over the winter, our Qi can begin to stagnate. As our Qi begins to awaken and move we can become aware of blockages and stagnation. If our Qi isn’t flowing smoothly this can manifest as depression, chronic pain that comes and goes, muscle pain, tendon stiffness, anger, anxiety, frustration, irritability, PMS, menstrual cramping, weight gain, feeling unmotivated and well….. the list goes on.

Here are 5 tips on getting that Qi flowing this spring:  

Taste Sour Flavours:  Add some splashes or lemon and vinegar to your foods! Their sour nature can help stimulate our Liver Qi. Lemon or apple cider vinegar are also beneficial to move bile, especially taken in warm water first thing in the morning.

Movement: Go for walks, stretch, dust off your bike, do yoga with Jessica I’m looking at you people with computer/desk jobs! Movement is a great way to get the Qi flowing and soothe the Liver energy. According to TCM our Liver stores blood during periods of rest and then releases it to the tendons in times of activity, which helps to maintain the health and flexibility of our tendons. You get bonus points for being outside and breathing the fresh air, another great way to move Qi! Nature is a source of an inspiration in this season that encourages us to grow and come alive.

Laugh: You know the saying: "Laughter is the best medicine." It's true. Watch something funny, get together with friends and share some laughs. Laughter helps release tension and eases stress. Come in to A Balanced Body and laugh with us! Everyone here delights in the ridiculous and the joy of connection. Watch Bears Jungle Boogie. You’re welcome.

Slow down: Enjoy the journey, nature moves gradually and slowly. Take time to practice patience, it helps the Qi to flow smoothly and efficiently, while impatience quickly leads to frustration, irritability and stagnant Liver Qi. When we slow down we can we can focus our energy more precisely and grow in the direction of our dreams and our higher selves.

Get Acupuncture: The Liver in particular is very responsive to acupuncture treatments.  Acupuncture can help improve the overall health of your liver as well as treat stress, anger, frustration and pain which are often associated with a Liver Qi disharmony. 

Try our Acuyogassage workshop for balancing the wood element in Spring.

To cleanse and balance your body in Spring book in with our Registered Acupuncturist Sarah Strohan

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