What is Fascia?


Fascia is a type of connective tissue that surrounds muscles, tendons, joints, bones, nerves and organs and forms a web-like matrix that connects from head to toe.  Fascia is organized in a web-like pattern to achieve "tensegrity" (tensional integrity) which allows your body to withstand force and protect the body from injury. There are various fascial "nets" that run through the body and if there is an imbalance or injury resulting from trauma or repetitive overuse anywhere along the net, you may be feeling the pain or pull elsewhere.  Some of you may have experienced this during massage;  for example, while having your shoulder worked on you feel sensation in another seemingly unrelated area of the body such as your ankle. 

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What is Fascial Stretch Therapy?

Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) targets the fascia through passive stretching and realigns the collagen fibres of fascia to maintain the body's natural state of tensegrity and achieve maximal efficiency and function by balancing the fascial chains. Some of the benefits of Fascial Stretch Therapy include:  decreasing pain, improving mobility and function, improve posture, increasing range of motion and mobility, flushing lymphatic fluid and eliminating toxins from the body.  It also can help with relaxation and improve physiological function such as sleep, digestion, and energy levels through regulation of the nervous system.


Stephanie Woodsworth and Jessica Knox are the only RMT’s in Victoria who are Certified Fascial Stretch Therapists. If you're interested in trying a FST session, book a 30, 45 or 60 minute appointment with Stephanie or Jessica today! FST can also be incorporated in to any Registered Massage Therapy Session with Stephanie or Jessica.