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Acupuncture helps treat anxiety by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which reduces cortisol stress hormones. Acupuncture also produces endorphins, natural painkilling opioids and other feel good chemicals in the brain.

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Chronic anxiety creates deep neural pathways in the brain that can be hard to change. The state of deep relaxation created through specific acupuncture points in an acupuncture session helps create new neural pathways and stops reinforcing the anxiety tract.

Whether you’re looking to deeply relax, reduce stress or ease the symptoms of anxiety or depression. Acupuncture can be an effective treatment.

There are many research findings that support acupuncture as a treatment for anxiety. Acupuncture as Therapeutic Treatment For Anxiety.

If you’re interested in trying Acupuncture for anxiety. Book in with our one our Registered Acupuncturists