October is right around the corner, which means falling leaves, sweater weather and… flu season. Before you start stockpiling kleenex and cough drops, take note: it is possible to give your immune system a boost and sail through sickness.

Not only is acupuncture is an effective way to prevent cold and flu, it can shorten length and intensity if you’re already sick. How? Let me count the ways.

Acupuncture reduces stress levels in the body

When our bodies are in a heightened stress state, we’re more susceptible to catching a bug. Stress suppresses the immune system making us more vulnerable to picking up what your coworker is putting down. By reducing our stress levels, we’re giving our bodies a fighting chance!

Acupuncture improves the quality and quantity of sleep

Sleep is our body’s time to heal and reset. When the quality of our sleep is poor, or we aren’t able to log enough hours catching zzz’s, we’re giving viruses an all-access pass to set up shop. Acupuncture is used to regulate our sleep patterns, whether you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, waking too early, or all three.

Acupuncture boosts the immune system

Ready for a crash course in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory? From a TCM perspective, the Lungs have two types of qi: the nourishing (yin qi) and defensive (wei qi). Our defensive qi is conceptually similar to the western medicine idea of immunity. We can therefore strengthen the immune system by choosing acupuncture points to nourish wei qi and support the Lungs.

Acupuncture can shorten the lifespan of your cold or flu

Sometimes life gets busy and we aren’t able to manage stress, sleep well or get preventative acupuncture. When you come in for treatment after you’ve fallen ill, your acupuncturist will ask a lot of questions about the nature or your cold or flu. And no, it’s not just because we love playing 20 Questions, it’s in an attempt to refine point prescription and to address the specific symptoms you’re experiencing - no two patients will present exactly alike, and all treatments are tailored to the individual!

From fever to chills, body and headache, runny nose or congestion, scratchy throat, wet or dry cough, there’s an acupoint for everything.

If you’re ready to start taking charge of your health, book an initial appointment with one our Registered Acupuncturists